Author: lk8655
Divertorlets Featured in PBS Space Time Fusion Video
Credit to PBS Space Time on YouTube for the video. Footage of LMX-U running liquid metal flows and diverotlets is at timestamp 18:06.
Stabilizing fusion reactions is a learning process — for AI systems and the engineers who design them
By Alaina O’Regan Link to original article. Controlling the superheated plasma that makes up the whirling core of a fusion reactor is simple. You just have to predict the future. Working with his research team at Princeton University and the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, Egemen Kolemen *08 is using artificial intelligence to do just that.…
Winning Talk of the PPPL’s 2024 Research Slam: Can Terminator 2 help save humanity?
Borrowing inspiration from the movie Terminator 2, Yufan Xu, an associate research physicist specializing in liquid metals in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory’s Tokamak Experimental Science Department, argues that liquid metal can be an ideal material to protect the interior walls of doughnut-shaped fusion devices known as tokamaks. Much like the T-1000’s ability to change…
Initiative Aims to Make Princeton a Leader in AI Accelerated Engineering
By Allison Gasparini. Link to original article. As a part of a broad set of investments around artificial intelligence, Princeton University has launched AI for Accelerating Invention, an initiative to achieve faster breakthroughs across engineering disciplines, including biomedicine, robotics and nuclear fusion. “What we have the opportunity to do here is to transform engineering by taking…
What does liquid metal have to do with fusion?
Fusion reactors need to heat plasmas to temperatures as hot as the sun — over 100 million degrees Celsius. Components that directly face the plasma, such as the inner wall of a doughnut-shaped tokamak reactor, can suffer from erosion and melting. Francisco Saenz, a graduate student in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at…
Egemen Kolemen wins American Nuclear Society’s Technical Accomplishment Award
Link to article. Tristan Weisenbach Aug. 14, 2024 Egemen Kolemen, a staff research physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University, was awarded the American Nuclear Society’s. (ANS) 2024 Technical Accomplishment Award for his research on using machine learning for controlling fusion reactors. This award, announced…
SJTU/USTC Colloquia on AI for Fusion
Talk given by Dr. Egemen Kolemen during the 3/28/2024 colloquia co-hosted by the Institute of Natural Sciences of SJTU, and the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of USTC. Abstract Fusion promises to be the ultimate green energy source of the future, as it is abundant, clean, and greenhouse-emission free, without the intermittency and location…
Research by Jesse Jenkins and Egemen Kolemen featured in Wired
Link to original post. A recent article in Wired by Gregory Barber discusses the opportunities and challenges with turning fusion energy into power we can use. As the physics progresses, some are now beginning to explore the likely practical and economic limits on fusion. The early conclusion is that fusion energy ain’t going to be cheap—certainly not the cheapest…
Professor Egemen Kolemen Kicks Off PPPL’s 33rd Annual Public Lecture Series
By Samuel Garfinkle. Link to original article from the Princetonian. Though we may never see fusion in a device small enough to power a car, we are closer than ever to sustainable fusion power due to innovative design. The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory kicked off its 33rd annual public lecture series at 9:30 a.m. on…
Princeton Gives Highest Awards to Top Students
By Ruth Stevens. Link to original article. Princeton University recognized the winners of the highest honors it awards to students at Alumni Day ceremonies Saturday, Feb. 24. Seniors Alisha Holland and Lester Mackey shared the University’s Moses Taylor Pyne Honor Prize, and graduate students Carmen Drahl, Egemen Kolemen, Sarah Pourciau and William Slauter were presented…