Author: lk8655
Egemen Kolemen wins American Nuclear Society’s Technical Accomplishment Award
Link to article. Tristan Weisenbach Aug. 14, 2024 Egemen Kolemen, a staff research physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) and an associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at Princeton University, was awarded the American Nuclear Society’s. (ANS) 2024 Technical Accomplishment Award for his research on using machine learning for controlling fusion reactors. This award, announced…
SJTU/USTC Colloquia on AI for Fusion
Talk given by Dr. Egemen Kolemen during the 3/28/2024 colloquia co-hosted by the Institute of Natural Sciences of SJTU, and the School of Nuclear Science and Technology of USTC. Abstract Fusion promises to be the ultimate green energy source of the future, as it is abundant, clean, and greenhouse-emission free, without the intermittency and location…