
J. Abbate, R. Conlin, I. Char, G. Tardini, E. Fable, A. Rothstein, K. Erickson, R. Shousha, H. Farre, A. Pankin, V. Mehta, B. Grierson, A. Jalalvand, E. Kolemen “AI-based prediction and control of tokamaks: Combining simulations and experimental data” Dissertation defense, March 2024.URL
B. Wynne, F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, Z. Sun, C. Hu, K. Hanada, Y Xu, E. Kolemen “Experiments and FreeMHD Simulations of Free-Surface Liquid Metal Flows” US- Japan LM PFC Workshop, March 2024.URL
A. Rothstein, J. Abbate, J. Seo, H. Farre, I. Char, R. Shousha, A. Jalalvand, S.K. Kim, and E. Kolemen “Stabilizing Tokamak Plasmas with ML-based Feedback Control” PPPL Student Seminar, February 2024.URL
Dario Panici, Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Patrick Kim, Rahul Gaur, Yigit Gunsur Elmacioglu, Kian Orr, Eduardo Rodriguez, Egemen Kolemen “Stellarator Equilibrium and Optimization with DESC” PPPL Student Seminar, February 2024.URL
Dario Panici, Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Eduardo Rodriguez, Egemen Kolemen “Near-Axis Constrained Equilibria with the DESC Code” Simons Hidden Symmetries ANU Retreat, December 2023.
R. Gaur, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, A. Rothstein, E. Kolemen “Generating a database of omnigenous equilibria with DESC” Simons-ANU, December 2023.
Max Curie, Joe Abbate, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Egemen Kolemen “Autoencoding and Noise Reduction of Plasma Diagnostics in Tokamak” APS-DPP, November 2023.
Viraj Mehta, Jayson Barr, Joe Abbate, Ian Char, Willie Neiswanger, Mark Boyer, Egemen Kolemen, Jeff Schneider “Automated Experimental Design of Safe Rampdowns via Probabilistic Machine Learning” APS-DPP, November 2023.
Joung, Semin ; Smith, David ; Geiger, Benedikt ; Gill, Kevin ; McKee, George ; Yan, Zheng ; Zimmerman, Jeffrey ; Coffee, Ryan ; O’Shea, Finn ; Jalalvand, Azarakhsh ; Kolemen, Egemen “Deep Neural Network Based Real-Time ELM Prediction and Reconstruction of Turbulent Flow Based on the DIII-D BES Measurement” APS-DPP, November 2023.
Minseok Kim, Ricardo Shousha, Azarakhsh Jalalvand,
SangKyeun Kim, Max Curie, and Egemen Kolemen “Detecting ELM Originated by Sawtooth” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Exploring the Database of Omnigenous Stellarators with DESC” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “FreeMHD: Experimental Validation of a Fully-3D-Non Inductive-MHD Solver for Liquid Metal Flows in Fusion Devices” APS-DPP, November 2023.
Dario Panici, Rory Conlin, Todd Elder, Rahul Gaur, Daniel Dudt, Tal Shpigel, Itay Gissis, Nadav Snir, Yasha Nikulshin, Egemen Kolemen “Helical Coil Optimization in DESC” APS-DPP, November 2023.URL
[N/A] “Highlights of KSTAR-PPPL Collaborations on 3D Fields, Disruptions, Control, and Impurity Powder Dropper” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Identification of Alfvén Eigenmodes Using Recurrent Neural Networks, a Labelled Database and CO2 Interferometer Data on DIII-D” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Implementing Data-Driven Models for Real-Time Detection and Control of Alfvén Eigenmodes at DIII-D” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Integrated Process for Enhancing the Normalized Beta during n = 1 RMP-Driven ELM-Crash-Suppression Phase in KSTAR” APS-DPP, November 2023.
Dario Panici, Eduardo Rodriguez , Rory Conlin, Daniel Dudt, Egemen Kolemen “Near-Axis Constrained Stellarator Equilibria with DESC” APS-DPP, November 2023.URL
[N/A] “Physics and Engineering Trade-Offs in Stellarator Optimization” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Physics-Augmented Machine Learning Techniques for Modeling Tokamak Dynamics” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction Using Machine Learning That Is Robust Against Diagnostics Failures” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Real-Time Plasma Confinement Mode Classification with Deep Neural Networks and High-Bandwidth Edge Fluctuation Measurements in DIII-D” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Spatio-Temporal Forecasting of Plasma Turbulence Using Deep Learning” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Stellarator Optimization with Constraints” APS-DPP, November 2023.
A. Rothstein, J. Seo, R. Shousha, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen “Tearing Mode Avoidance Using Reinforcement Learning and Classical Delta Prime Stability Analysis on DIII-D” APS-DPP, November 2023.URL
[N/A] “Tungsten Mesh Material Analysis and Assessment of Droplet Ejection Reduction” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Valuing Shorter Maintenance Cycles and Operational Flexibility for Fusion Plants” APS-DPP, November 2023.
[N/A] “Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Liquid Metal Flows Using FreeMHD for Nuclear Fusion Applications” APS-DFD, November 2023.
R. Gaur, V. Gopakumar, N. Barbour, B. Jang, N. Mandell, I. Abel, W. Dorland, E. Kolemen “Spatiotemporal forecasting of plasma turbulence with deep learning” DPP, October 2023.
Dario Panici, Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Patrick Kim, Kaya Unalmis, Eduardo Rodriguez, Egemen Kolemen “Stellarator Phase Space Exploration with DESC” Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting, May 2023.
Joe Abbate, Emiliano Fable, Alexei Pankin, Giovanni Tardini, Egemen Kolement “Cross-verification and validation of tokamak plasma evolution models” Transport Task Force, May 2023.
Egemen Kolemen, Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Dario Panici, Patrick Kim, Kaya Unalmis, Eduardo Rodriguez, Aza Jalalvand “DESC Suite: Integrated Stellarator Optimization” Simons NYC Meeting, March 2023.
F. Saenz, A. Fisher, J. Al-Salami, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y. Go, G. Yamazaki, B. Wynne, C. Hu, K. Hanada, E. Kolemen “Experimental, numerical and analytical evaluation Lorentz-force propulsion on liquid-metal channel flows for divertor applications at the NIFS Oroshhi-2 Facility” US-Japan and International Workshop on Power and Particle Control in DEMO Fusion Reactor by Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components, February 2023.
J. Seo, R. Shousha, E. Kolemen “ML-based acceleration of CAKE for real-time kinetic equilibrium reconstruction” DIII-D Friday Science Meeting, January 2023.
D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, E. Rodriguez, E. Kolemen “Flexible Equilibrium Constraints with the DESC code” SPECtaculars Meeting, January 2023.
R Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, A.O. Nelson, N.C. Logan, Q.M. Hu, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, C. Paz-Soldan, R. Wilcox, A. Battey, W.H. Ko, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, J. Abbate, A. Rothstein, E. Kolemen “Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control on DIII-D and KSTAR Towards robust, performance optimized long pulse ELM suppression” PPPL Monthly, January 2023.
A. V. Garcia, A. Jalalvand, P. Steiner, A. Rothstein, M. Van Zeeland, W. W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen “Alfvén Eigenmode Detection Using Long-Short Term Memory Networks and CO2 Interferometer Data on the DIII-D National Fusion Facility” 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), January 2023.URL
I. Char et al. “Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Tokamak Control” The 5th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (PMLR), January 2023.
V. Mehta, J. Abbate, A. Wang, A. Rothstein, I. Char, J. Schneider, E. Kolemen, C. Rea, D. Garnier “Towards LLMs as Operational Copilots for Fusion Reactors” NeurIPS, January 2023.
F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, Al-Salami, E. Kolemen “3D-MHD Liquid-metal-flow simulations and experiments in Oroshhi-2/NIFS and LMX-U/PPPL for divertor applications” ISLA-7, December 2022.
S.K. Kim, S. Pamela, N. Logan, Y.-S. Na, C. Y. Lee, J.-K. Park, S. Yang, Q. Hu, M. Becoulet, G. Huisjmans, M. Hoelzl, Y. In, M. Kim, H.H.Lee, J. Lee, O. Kwon, E. Kolemen “Nonlinear MHD modeling of n=1 RMP effect on the pedestal in KSTAR” ITPA-PEP meeting, October 2022.
D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, K. Unalmis, E. Kolemen “Efficient Stellarator Optimization and Analysis with DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022.
J. Wai, M.D. Boyer, W. Wehner, A.S. Welander, E. Kolemen “Feedforward + feedback shape control design on NSTXU” APS-DPP, October 2022.
K.E. Unalmis, D.W. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, E. Kolemen “Optimizing stellarators for better equilibria through the addition of physics objectives to DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022.
P. Kim, R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, E. Kolemen “Constrained and Turbulence Optimization for Stellarators in DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022.
R. Conlin, J. Schiling, D. Dudt, D. Panici, P. Kim, K.E. Unalmis, E. Kolemen “Free Boundary Stellarator Equilibria and Coil Optimization in DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022.
J.T. Wai, D.J. Battaglia, A.J. Creely, D. Garnier, T. Looby, A.O. Nelson, M. Lagieski, E. Kolemen “Startup scenario development for SPARC” APS-DPP, October 2022.
R. Shousha, J.R. Ferron, Z.A. Xing, A.O. Nelson, K.G. Erickson, E. Kolemen “Improved Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D and NSTX-U” APS-DPP, October 2022.
A. Rothstein, A. Jalalvand, A.V. Garcia, M.E. Austin, W.W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen “Multi-diagnostic classification of Alfvén eigenmodes using multimodal machine learning” APS-DPP, October 2022.
R. Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, W.H. Ko, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, N.C. Logan, E. Kolemen “Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control: ELM suppressed high performance fusion scenarios achieved with Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control” APS DPP, October 2022.
S.K. Kim, N. Logan, M. Becoulet, M. Hoelzl, Q. Hu, G. Huijsmans, S. Pamela, Q. Yu, S.M. Yang, E. Kolemen, J.-K. Park, JOREK Team “Nonlinear MHD modeling on RMP-induced pump-out under the KSTAR geometry” APS-DPP, October 2022.
J. Seo, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, A. Rothstein, J. Abbate, B. Kim, C.Y. Lee, M.S. Park, S.J. Park, Y.H. Lee, Y.-S. Na, E. Kolemen “Tokamak operation design and control with deep reinforcement learning” MHD Workshop, October 2022.
S.K. Kim, R. Shousha, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, N. Logan, S.H. Hahn, Q. Hu, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, W.H. Ko, E. Kolemen “Adaptive ELM Control using RMP and its Application to Integrated Long-pulse ELM-free Scenarios” MHD Workshop, October 2022.
A. Jalalvand, R. Kube, M. Boyer, A.V. Garcia, M.E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, W.W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen, DIII-D Team “AlfvénNet: Data-Driven Prediction and Control of Alfvén Eigenmodes at DIII-D” APS-DPP, October 2022.
F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, Al-Salami, E. Kolemen “Low-recycling liquid-metal ‘divertorlets’ concept for heat exhaust in divertors of fusion reactors” APS-DPP, October 2022.
J. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, J. Jenkins “The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized US electric grid” APS-DPP, October 2022.
B. Wynne, F. Saenz, Z. Sun, E. Kolemen “In Situ Tritium Separation and Hydrogen Isotope Pumping for Liquid Metal Divertor Applications” APS-DPP, October 2022.
D. Panici, D.W. Dudt, R. Conlin, K. Unalmis, P. Kim, E. Kolemen “Minimal Poincare Boundary Condition for 3D MHD Equilibria” APS-DPP, October 2022.
J. Abbate, R. Conlin, A. Jalalvand, R. Shousha, I. Char, Y. Chung, V. Mehta, E. Fable, G. Tardini, E. Kolemen “Tokamak Prediction and Control” APS-DPP, October 2022.
S.K. Kim, N. Logan, M. Becoulet, M. Hoelzl, Q. Hu, G. Huijsmans, S. Pamela, Q. Yu, S.M. Yang, E. Kolemen, J.-K. Park, JOREK Team “Nonlinear MHD modeling on RMP-induced pump-out in KSTAR with realistic tokamak geometry” 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, October 2022.
F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, A. Khodak, S. Smolentsev, E. Kolemen “MHD liquid-metal-flow experiments and simulations for nuclear fusion applications” 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics, October 2022.
J. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, J. Jenkins “The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized US electric grid” PPPL Monthly Research Meeting, October 2022.
F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, A.E. Fisher, B. Wynne, E. Kolemen “Lorentz Force Propulsion on Free Surface Liquid Metal Channel Flow” 32nd SOFT Conference, September 2022.
A. Jalalvand, A. A. Kaptanoglu, A. V. Garcia, A. O. Nelson, J. Abbate, M. E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, S. L. Brunton, W. W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen “Classifying and Locating Alfvén Eigenmodes Based on ECE Diagnostics at DIII-D Using Neural Networks” 32nd SOFT Conference, September 2022.
S.K. Kim, R. Shousha, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M. Kim, G. Shin, N. Logan, S.H. Hahn, Q. Hu, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, W.H. Ko, E. Kolemen “Adaptive ELM Control and its Application to Integrated Long-pulse RMP Scenarios in KSTAR” iFPC, August 2022.
R. Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, N.C. Logan, E. Kolemen “ELM suppressed high performance fusion scenarios achieved with Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control” iFPC, August 2022.
D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen “Quick and Accurate 3D MHD Equilibria with DESC” Conference on Computational Physics 2022, Virtual, August 2022.
R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, E. Kolemen “Stellarator Optimization with DESC” Conference on Computational Physics 2022, Virtual, August 2022.
E. Kolemen “Data-Based Control” ITER Summer School on Plasma Operating Scenarios and Control, San Diego CA, July 2022.
K. Unalmis, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen “Introduction to Stellarator Optimization with Mercier Stability Objective” Princeton Univeristy Summer Research Colloquium, July 2022.URL
F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, E. Kolemen “Liquid Metal Divertorlets Concept: Experiments, Simulations, and Projections” Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) ANS meeting, June 2022.
D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, E. Kolemen “Overview of the DESC Stellarator Optimization Code” CIEMAT Presentation, June 2022.
J.T. Wai, M.D. Boyer, E. Kolemen “Comparison of real-time EFIT vs neural net based reconstruction” DIII-D Friday Science & Engineering Technology (FSET) meeting, May 2022.
J.T. Wai, M.D. Boyer, E. Kolemen “Neural net modeling of equilibria in NSTX-U” PPPL Monthly Science Meeting, April 2022.
E. Kolemen, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami “LMX-U studies: model validation and development of the divertorlets concept” The 2nd US-Japan Workshop (virtual), March 2022.
D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen “Comparison of the DESC and VMEC 3D Equilibrium Codes” PPPL Stellarator Seminar, January 2022.
Z. Sun, F. Saenz, B. Wynne, E. Kolemen “Progress on the liquid metal ‘divertorlets’ concept: experiments and simulations” SOFE (Virtual), December 2021.
E Kolemen, MD Boyer, R Coffee, J Schneider, DR Smith, A Jalalvand, R Conlin, J Abbate “Machine Learning for Real-time Fusion Plasma Behavior Prediction and Manipulation” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
S Kim, R Shousha, S Hahn, AO Nelson, JT Wai, S Yang, JK Park, RM Nazikian, Q Hu, Y Jeon, Y In, J Lee, J Kim, YS Na, E Kolemen “Optimizing edge confinement and stability via adaptive ELM control using RMPs” APS-DPP (Virtual, invite), November 2021.
A. Jalalvand, A Kaptanoglu, AV Garcia, AO Nelson, JA Abbate, ME Austin, G Verdoolaege, SL Brunton, WH Heidbrink, E Kolemen “Data-driven models for Alfvén eigenmode classification based on high resolution ECE diagnostics at DIII-D” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
R Conlin, JA Abbate, L Fang, A Iqtidar, Y Iwasaki, A Wu, E Kolemen “Practical Techniques for Machine Learning Control of Fusion Plasmas” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
JA Abbate, R Conlin, E Kolemen “Novel aggregate machine learning and transport modeling profile predictions” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
R Shousha, S Kim, K Erickson, S Hahn, AO Nelson, JT Wai, S Yang, JK Park, E Kolemen “Feedback Adaptive ELM Control towards (ITER) long pulse ELM suppression and its application to KSTAR” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
DW Dudt, R Conlin, D Panici, E Kolemen “Stellarator Optimization with DESC” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
D Panici, AO Nelson, FM Laggner, E Kolemen “Investigating ELM Pacing by Vertical Oscillations on DIII-D” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
JT Wai, ML Reinke, AQ Kuang, P Rodriguez-Fernandez, DT Garnier, E Kolemen “Equilibrium studies of the SPARC X-Point Target divertor” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
A Rothstein, A. Jalalvand, E Kolemen, M Austin “New Neural Networks for Plasma Profile Prediction” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
R Conlin, DW Dudt, D Panici, J Schilling, E Kolemen “Improvements to the DESC code for finding and optimizing stellarator equilibria” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
D Panici, DW Dudt, R Conlin, E Kolemen “A Comparison of VMEC and DESC 3D Equilibrium Codes” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
BR Wynne, E Kolemen “Magnetohydrodynamic Effects of a Gradient Magnetic Field on Liquid Metal Flows” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
F Saenz, Z Sun, E Kolemen “Progress on the liquid metal ‘divertorlets’ concept: experiments and simulations” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
R Shousha, JR Ferron, ZA Xing, AO Nelson, K Erickson, E Kolemen “Improved Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
JT Wai, MD Boyer, E Kolemen “Feedforward shape control and neural net equilibrium modeling on NSTX-U” APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021.
S. K. Kim, R. Shousha, S.H. Hahn, A.O. Nelson, J. Wai, S. Yang, J.-K. Park, N. Logan, Y. M. Jeon, Y. In, J.H. Lee, Y.-S. Na, E. Kolemen “Optimization of H-mode pedestal by adaptive ELM control using 3D fields” AAPPS-DPP (Virtual), September 2021.
R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, E. Kolemen “Updates and improvements to the DESC code for finding and optimizing stellarator equilibria” PPPL Stellarator Seminar, May 2021.
D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, E. Kolemen “DESC: Fast and flexible stellarator equilibrium optimization” IPP MHD topical group, April 2021.
A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, D. R. Smith, R. Shousha, Z. A. Xing, E. Kolemen “Experimental identification of inter-ELM pedestal MTMs through edge current perturbations” Plenary Talk at TTF, April 2021.
S. K. Kim, S. Pamela, M. Becoulet, G. Huijsmans, O. Kown, Y. In, J.H. Lee, M. Kim, S.M. Yang, J.-K. Park, N. Logan, Y.-S. Na, E. Kolemen, JOREK team “On Effect of n=2 RMP to Edge Pedestal in KSTAR with Nonlinear MHD simulation” IAEA-FEC (virtual), March 2021.
A. Jalalvand, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen, G. Verdoolaege “Hyper-dimensional time-series data analysis with reservoir computing networks to predict plasma profiles in tokamak” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
J. Wai, P. J. Vail, A.O. Nelson, Z.A. Xing, C. Lasnier, E. Kolemen “Infrared constrained equilibria and application to snowflake divertor studies” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Zichuan Xing, AO Nelson, O Izacard, ME Austin, A Marinoni, A Jarvinen, M Umansky, E Kolemen “Automating Interpretive Edge Transport Modeling on DIII-D with UEDGE” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Andrew Nelson, Florian Laggner, Ahmed Diallo, Zheng Yan, Egemen Kolemen “Experimental characterization of turbulent modes in the DIII-D H-mode pedestal” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Egemen Kolemen, R Shousha, A Nelson, N Logan, J Park “Adaptive ELM Control and Real-Time Feedback MHD Spectroscopy at KSTAR” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Rory Conlin, Joseph Abbate, Keith Erickson, Alexander S Glasser, Egemen Kolemen “Physics and Machine Learning Based Approaches to Stability Analysis and Control on DIII-D” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Ricardo Shousha, John Ferron, Zichuan Xing, Oak Nelson, Keith Erickson, Egemen Kolemen “Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Daniel Dudt, Egemen Kolemen “DESC: An Efficient Stellarator Equilibrium Code” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
Timothy Chen, Benjamin Goldberg, Christopher Kliewer, Egemen Kolemen, Yiguang Ju “Spatially-resolved time-evolution of rotation-vibration non-equilibrium and CH concentration measured by fs/ps CARS in a nanosecond-pulsed pin-to-pin discharge” APS-GEC (virtual), October 2020.
M. Wolff, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen “Machine Learning for Shot Classification on the DIII-D Tokamak” PPPL SULI Program, October 2020.
J. Wai, P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen “Control of Advanced Divertors — NSTXU, ITER, D3D” 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019.
A. O. Nelson, R. J. La Haye, M. E. Austin, A. S. Welander, E. Kolemen “ECE-based Tearing Mode Suppression and Equilibrium Reconstruction” 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019.
J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, E. Kolemen “Machine Learning Plasma Profile Prediction for Model-Predictive Control at DIII-D” 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019.
D. Dudt, E. Kolemen “Equilibria Stability Calculations from the Fixed Point of a Map” 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019.
R. Conlin, A. S. Glasser, E. Kolemen “A Dynamical Systems Interpretation of Ideal MHD Stability with Applications to Fast Robust Calculations and New Physical Insight” 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019.
A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, E. Kolemen “Characterization of pedestal modes through fast vertical oscillations at DIII-D” APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019.
J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, E. Kolemen “Machine learning plasma profile prediction for model-predictive control at DIII-D” APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019.
J. Wai, P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen, NSTX-U Team “Control of Advanced Divertors in NSTX-U and ITER” APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019.
R. Conlin, J. Abbate, K. Erickson, E. Kolemen “Model Predictive Control of Plasma Profiles at DIII-D” APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019.
D. Dudt, E. Kolemen “Stellarator Equilibrium Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach” APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019.
A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, O. Izacard, A. C. Sontag, R. Groebner, D. Eldon, B. Grierson, M. W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, E. Kolemen, DIII-D Team “On the role of particle source location in settling the H-mode pedestal structure” HMWS 2019, Shanghai, China, October 2019.
D. Dudt, E. Kolemen “3-D MHD Equilibria Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach” ISHW 2019, Madison, WI, September 2019.
A. E. Fisher, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y. Go, G. Yamazaki, E. Kolemen “Experimental Demonstration of Lorentz Force Propulsion on Free-Surface Liquid Metal Channel Flow” ISLA 2019, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, September 2019.
J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, E. Kolemen “Plasma Profile Prediction and Control in Tokamaks” Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment E-ffiliates 2019 retreat, Princeton, NJ, June 2019.
A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen “Free-surface liquid metal flow control for PFC applications” Oroshhi-2 Workshop, Toki, Japan, February 2019.
E. Kolemen “Data-based plasma stability analysis and control” Invited Speaker, MHD Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, November 2018.
E. Kolemen “Path to Stable Tokamak Operation: Plasma stability analysis using physics-based and data-based approaches for real-time control” Invited Speaker, APS-DPP, Portland, OR, November 2018.
F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, A. Diallo, R. J. Groebner, K. Barada, A. Nelson, T. H. Osborne, DIII-D team “Vertical Plasma Oscillations as a Tool to perturb the Pedestal in the DIII-D Tokamak” 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, OR, November 2018.
A. O. Nelson, E. Kolemen, F. M. Laggner, O. Izacard, R. Groebner, D. Eldon, M.W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, A. C. Sontag, DIII-D Team “Pedestal fueling variation in a closed divertor configuration at DIII-D” 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Portland, OR, November 2018.
F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, A. Diallo, R. J. Groebner, E. Wolfrum, K. Barada, M. Cavedon, B. A. Grierson, G. F. Harrer, F. Mink, T. H. Osborne, P. B. Snyder, ASDEX Upgrade team, DIII-D team “The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D” 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Gandhinagar, INDIA, October 2018.
F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, A. Diallo “Inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations and their parametric (in-)dependencies” 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Princeton, NJ, June 2018.
A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, M. G. Hvasta “Effects of Externally Applied Lorentz Force on Liquid Metal Surface Stability” 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Princeton, NJ, June 2018.
P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen, O. Izacard “Divertor Heat Flux and Particle Control on NSTX-U via Optimization of Plasma Boundary and Divertor Shape” 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Princeton, NJ, June 2018.
E. Kolemen “Climate Engineering Science” Invited Speaker, Round table on Climate Engineering and Religion, Princeton, NJ, May 2018.
Y. Fu et al. “Disruption prediction using machine learning algorithms for DIII-D” Machine Learning in Plasma Physics, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, March 2018.
M. G. Hvasta, D. Dudt, A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen “The future of flowmeters: Non-contact, non-invasive, calibrationless” Princeton Innovation Forum, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 2018.
T. Chen “Plasma-Assisted Fuel Reforming of Methane Using Nonequilibrium Excitation” General Examination, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, NJ, January 2018.
Jalal Butt, Egemen Kolemen “Predicting the Temporal Evolution of Tokamak Plasma Profiles with Deep Learning” PPPL SULI Program, January 2018.
E. Kolemen “FLIT: Flowing LIquid metal Torus” Invited speaker, IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts, Suzhou, China, November 2017.
A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, M. G. Hvasta et al. “Effects of Externally Applied Lorentz Force on Liquid Metal Flow” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017.
F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen et al. “The real time multi point Thomson scattering diagnostic at NSTX-U” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017.
M. A. Roelofs, E. Kolemen, D. Eldon et al. “Plasma stability analysis using CAKE” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017.
P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen et al. “Advanced Plasma Shape Control to Enable High-Performance Divertor Operation on NSTX-U” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI, October 2017.
Dhruval Patel, Dhruvit Patel, Adam Fisher, Egemen Kolemen “Investigating methods of surface wave reconstruction” PPPL SULI Program, January 2017.
Gerrit Bruhaug, Egemen Kolemen, Adam E. Fisher, Mike Hvasta “Development of a Non-Contact, Inductive Depth Sensor for Free-Surface, Liquid-Metal” PPPL SULI Program, January 2017.
Nathaniel Barbour, Kornee Kleijwegt, Leonard Lupin-Jimenez, Egemen Kolemen “Machine Learning Prediction of High-Current Disruptions with Low-Current Training Data” PPPL SULI Program, January 2017.
(Deprecated – contains links)


  • Dario Panici, Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Patrick Kim, Rahul Gaur, Yigit Gunsur Elmacioglu, Kian Orr, Eduardo Rodriguez, Egemen Kolemen. Stellarator Equilibrium and Optimization with DESC. PPPL Student Seminar. Feb 2024.  pdf


  • Dario Panici,  Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Eduardo Rodriguez, Egemen Kolemen. Near-Axis Constrained Equilibria with the DESC Code. Simons Hidden Symmetries ANU Retreat. Dec 2023. ppt pdf
  • A. V. Garcia, A. Jalalvand, P. Steiner, A. Rothstein, M. Van Zeeland, W. W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen, Alfvén Eigenmode Detection Using Long-Short Term Memory Networks and CO2 Interferometer Data on the DIII-D National Fusion Facility, in 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) (2023), pp. 1–8.
  • R. Gaur, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, A. Rothstein, E. Kolemen. “Generating a database of omnigenous equilibria with DESC” Simons-ANU, December 2023.
  • R. Gaur, V. Gopakumar, N. Barbour, B. Jang, N. Mandell, I. Abel, W. Dorland, E. Kolemen. “Spatiotemporal forecasting of plasma turbulence with deep learning” DPP, October 2023.
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Autoencoding and Noise Reduction of Plasma Diagnostics in Tokamak, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Automated Experimental Design of Safe Rampdowns via Probabilistic Machine Learning, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Deep Neural Network Based Real-Time ELM Prediction and Reconstrupaction of Turbulent Flow Based on the DIII-D BES Measurement, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Detecting ELM Originated by Sawtooth, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Exploring the Database of Omnigenous Stellarators with DESC, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – FreeMHD: Experimental Validation of a Fully-3D-Non Inductive-MHD Solver for Liquid Metal Flows in Fusion Devices, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Helical Coil Optimization in DESC, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.). ppt
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Highlights of KSTAR-PPPL Collaborations on 3D Fields, Disruptions, Control, and Impurity Powder Dropper, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Identification of Alfvén Eigenmodes Using Recurrent Neural Networks, a Labelled Database and CO2 Interferometer Data on DIII-D, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Implementing Data-Driven Models for Real-Time Detection and Control of Alfvén Eigenmodes at DIII-D, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Integrated Process for Enhancing the Normalized Beta during n = 1 RMP-Driven ELM-Crash-Suppression Phase in KSTAR, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Near-Axis Constrained Stellarator Equilibria with DESC, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.). ppt
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Physics and Engineering Trade-Offs in Stellarator Optimization, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Physics-Augmented Machine Learning Techniques for Modeling Tokamak Dynamics, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Real-Time Equilibrium Reconstruction Using Machine Learning That Is Robust Against Diagnostics Failures, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Real-Time Kinetic Equilibrium Reconstruction in Tokamak Plasmas Using Machine Learning, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Real-Time Plasma Confinement Mode Classification with Deep Neural Networks and High-Bandwidth Edge Fluctuation Measurements in DIII-D, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Spatio-Temporal Forecasting of Plasma Turbulence Using Deep Learning, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.)
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Stellarator Optimization with Constraints, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Tearing Mode Avoidance Using Reinforcement Learning and Classical Delta Prime Stability Analysis on DIII-D, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Tungsten Mesh Material Analysis and Assessment of Droplet Ejection Reduction, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics – Event – Valuing Shorter Maintenance Cycles and Operational Flexibility for Fusion Plants, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • APS -76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics – Event – Numerical Simulation of Free Surface Liquid Metal Flows Using FreeMHD for Nuclear Fusion Applications, in Bulletin of the American Physical Society (American Physical Society, n.d.).
  • I. Char et al., Offline Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Tokamak Control, in Proceedings of The 5th Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (PMLR, 2023), pp. 1357–1372.
  • V. Mehta, J. Abbate, A. Wang, A. Rothstein, I. Char, J. Schneider, E. Kolemen, C. Rea, and D. Garnier, Towards LLMs as Operational Copilots for Fusion Reactors, in (2023).
  • V. Mehta, J. Abbate, A. Wang, A. Rothstein, I. Char, J. Schneider, E. Kolemen, C. Rea, and D. Garnier, Towards LLMs as Operational Copilots for Fusion Reactors, in (2023).
  • Dario Panici,  Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Patrick Kim, Kaya Unalmis, Eduardo Rodriguez, Egemen Kolemen. Stellarator Phase Space Exploration with DESC. Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting. May 2023. ppt pdf
  • Joe Abbate, Emiliano Fable, Alexei Pankin, Giovanni Tardini, Egemen Kolement. Cross-verification and validation of tokamak plasma evolution models. Transport Task Force. May 2023. pdf
  • Egemen Kolemen, Daniel Dudt, Rory Conlin, Dario Panici, Patrick Kim, Kaya Unalmis, Eduardo Rodriguez, Aza Jalalvand. DESC Suite: Integrated Stellarator Optimization. Simons NYC Meeting. March 2023. pdf
  • F. Saenz, A. Fisher, J. Al-Salami, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y., Go, G. Yamazaki, B. Wynne, C. Hu, K. Hanada, E. Kolemen. Experimental, numerical and analytical evaluation Lorentz-force propulsion on liquid-metal channel flows for divertor applications at the NIFS Oroshhi-2 Facility. US-Japan and International Workshop on Power and Particle Control in DEMO Fusion Reactor by Liquid Metal Plasma-Facing Components. February 2023. pdf
  • R Shousha S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, A.O. Nelson, N.C. Logan, Q.M. Hu, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, C. Paz-Soldan, R. Wilcox, A. Battey, W.H. Ko, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, J. Abbate, A. Rothstein and E. Kolemen Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control on DIII-D and KSTAR Towards robust, performance optimized long pulse ELM suppression” PPPL Monthly pdf
  • J. Seo, R. Shousha, and E. Kolemen. “ML-based acceleration of CAKE for real-time kinetic equilibrium reconstruction.” DIII-D Friday Science Meeting, January 2023. pdf
  • D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, E. Rodriguez and E. Kolemen. “Flexible Equilibrium Constraints with the DESC code.” SPECtaculars Meeting, January 2023. ppt pdf


  • F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, Al-Salami, and E. Kolemen “3D-MHD Liquid-metal-flow simulations and experiments in Oroshhi-2/NIFS and LMX-U/PPPL for divertor applications” ISLA-7, December 2022. pdf
  • S.K. Kim, S. Pamela, N. Logan, Y.-S. Na, C. Y. Lee, J.-K. Park, S. Yang, Q. Hu, M. Becoulet, G. Huisjmans, M. Hoelzl, Y. In, M. Kim, H.H.Lee, J. Lee, O. Kwon and E. Kolemen “Nonlinear MHD modeling of n=1 RMP effect on the pedestal in KSTAR”, ITPA-PEP meeting, October 2022. pdf
  • D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, K. Unalmis, and E. Kolemen “Efficient Stellarator Optimization and Analysis with DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • J. Wai, M.D. Boyer, W. Wehner, A.S. Welander, and E. Kolemen “Feedforward + feedback shape control design on NSTXU” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • K.E. Unalmis, D.W. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici, P. Kim, and E. Kolemen “Optimizing stellarators for better equilibria through the addition of physics objectives to DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • P. Kim, R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici, and E. Kolemen “Constrained and Turbulence Optimization for Stellarators in DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • R. Conlin, J. Schiling, D. Dudt, D. Panici, P. Kim, K.E. Unalmis, and E. Kolemen “Free Boundary Stellarator Equilibria and Coil Optimization in DESC” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • J.T. Wai, D.J. Battaglia, A.J. Creely, D. Garnier, T. Looby, A.O. Nelson, M. Lagieski, and E. Kolemen “Startup scenario development for SPARC” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • R. Shousha, J.R. Ferron, Z.A. Xing, A.O. Nelson, K.G. Erickson, and E. Kolemen “Improved Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D and NSTX-U” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • A. Rothstein, A. Jalalvand, A.V. Garcia, M.E. Austin, W.W. Heidbrink, and E. Kolemen “Multi-diagnostic classification of Alfvén eigenmodes using multimodal machine learning” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • R. Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, W.H. Ko, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, N.C. Logan, and E. Kolemen “Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control: ELM suppressed high performance fusion scenarios achieved with Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control” APS DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • S.K. Kim, N. Logan, M. Becoulet, M. Hoelzl, Q. Hu, G. Huijsmans, S. Pamela, Q. Yu, S.M. Yang, E. Kolemen, J.-K. Park, and JOREK Team “Nonlinear MHD modeling on RMP-induced pump-out under the KSTAR geometry” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • J. Seo, A. Jalalvand, R. Conlin, A. Rothstein, J. Abbate, B. Kim, C.Y. Lee, M.S. Park, S.J. Park, Y.H. Lee, Y.-S. Na, and E. Kolemen “Tokamak operation design and control with depp reinforcement learning” MHD Workshop, October 2022. pdf
  • S.K. Kim, R. Shousha, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, N. Logan, S.H. Hahn, Q. Hu, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, W.H. Ko, and E. Kolemen “Adaptive ELM Control using RMP and its Application to Integrated Long-pulse ELM-free Scenarios” MHD Workshop, October 2022. pdf
  • A. Jalalvand, R. Kube, M. Boyer, A.V. Garcia, M.E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, W.W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen, and DIII-D Team “AlfvénNet: Data-Driven Prediction and Control of Alfvén Eigenmodes at DIII-D” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, Al-Salami, and E. Kolemen “Low-recycling liquid-metal ‘divertorlets’ concept for heat exhaust in divertors of fusion reactors” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • J. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, and J. Jenkins “The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized US electric grid” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • B. Wynne, F. Saenz, Z. Sun, and E. Kolemen “In Situ Tritium Separation and Hydrogen Isotope Pumping for Liquid Metal Divertor Applications” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • D. Panici, D.W. Dudt, R. Conlin, K. Unalmis, P. Kim, and E. Kolemen “Minimal Poincare Boundary Condition for 3D MHD Equilibria” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • J. Abbate, R. Conlin, A. Jalalvand, R. Shousha, I. Char, Y. Chung, V. Mehta, E. Fable, G. Tardini, and E. Kolemen “Tokamak Prediction and Control” APS-DPP, October 2022. pdf
  • S.K. Kim, N. Logan, M. Becoulet, M. Hoelzl, Q. Hu, G. Huijsmans, S. Pamela, Q. Yu, S.M. Yang, E. Kolemen, J.-K. Park, and JOREK Team “Nonlinear MHD modeling on RMP-induced pump-out in KSTAR with realistic tokamak geometry”, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (Remote e-conference Oct. 9-14, 2022) pdf
  • F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, A. Khodak, S. Smolentsev and E. Kolemen, “MHD liquid-metal-flow experiments and simulations for nuclear fusion applications”, 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (Remote e-conference Oct. 9-14, 2022) pdf
  • J. Schwartz, W. Ricks, E. Kolemen, J. Jenkins, “The value of fusion energy to a decarbonized US electric grid”, PPPL Monthly Research Meeting. pdf
  • F. Saenz, J. Al-Salami, A.E. Fisher, B. Wynne, E. Kolemen, “Lorentz Force Propulsion on Free Surface Liquid Metal Channel Flow”, 32nd SOFT Conference, September 2022 pdf
  • A. Jalalvand, A. A. Kaptanoglu, A. V. Garcia, A. O. Nelson, J. Abbate, M. E. Austin, G. Verdoolaege, S. L. Brunton, W. W. Heidbrink, E. Kolemen, “Classifying and Locating Alfvén Eigenmodes Based on ECE Diagnostics at DIII-D Using Neural Networks”, 32nd SOFT Conference, September 2022. pdf
  • S.K. Kim, R. Shousha, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M. Kim, G. Shin, N. Logan, S.H. Hahn, Q. Hu, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, W.H. Ko, and E. Kolemen “Adaptive ELM Control and its Application to Integrated Long-pulse RMP Scenarios in KSTAR” iFPC. August 2022 pdf
  • R. Shousha, S.K. Kim, K.G. Erickson, J.-K. Park, S.M. Yang, M.W. Kim, G. Shin, S.-H. Hahn, G.Y. Park, Y.M. Jeon, N.C. Logan and E. Kolemen “ELM suppressed high performance fusion scenarios achieved with Feedback Adaptive RMP ELM Control” iFPC. August 2022 pptx
  • D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen. “Quick and Accurate 3D MHD Equilibria with DESC”, Conference on Computational Physics 2022, Virtual. August 2022. ppt pdf
  • R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici and E. Kolemen. “Stellarator Optimization with DESC”, Conference on Computational Physics 2022, Virtual. August 2022. ppt pdf
  • E. Kolemen. “Data-Based Control”, ITER Summer School on Plasma Operating Scenarios and Control, San Diego CA, July 27 2022. pdf
  • D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici and E. Kolemen. “Overview of the DESC
    Stellarator Optimization Code”, CIEMAT Presentation, June 2022. ppt pdf
  • E. Kolemen, A. Khodak, J. Al-Salami, S. Smolentsev, Z. Sun, F. Saenz, B. Wynne. “Experiments and simulations of free surface liquid metal flow under magnetohydrodynamic conditions at LMX-U”, Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) ANS meeting , June 15, 2022. pdf
  • F. Saenz, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, E. Kolemen. “Liquid Metal Divertorlets Concept: Experiments, Simulations, and Projections”, Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE) ANS meeting , June 15, 2022 pdf
  • J.T. Wai, M.D. Boyer, E. Kolemen. “Comparison of real-time EFIT vs neural net based reconstruction”, DIII-D Friday Science & Engineering Technology (FSET) meeting, May 20, 2022. pdf
  • J.T. Wai, M.D. Boyer, E. Kolemen. “Neural net modeling of equilibria in NSTX-U”, PPPL Monthly Science Meeting, April 12, 2022. ppt pdf
  • E. Kolemen, Z. Sun, B. Wynne, F. Saenz and J. Al-Salami, “LMX-U studies: model validation and development of the divertorlets concept” The 2nd US-Japan Workshop (virtual), March 2022. pdf
  • D. Panici, D. Dudt, R. Conlin, and E. Kolemen. “Comparison of the DESC and VMEC 3D Equilibrium Codes”, PPPL Stellarator Seminar, January 2022. ppt pdf


  • Z. Sun, F. Saenz, B. Wynne, E. Kolemen. “Progress on the liquid metal ‘divertorlets’ concept: experiments and simulations”. SOFE (Virtual), December 2021. pdf
  • E Kolemen, MD Boyer, R Coffee, J Schneider, DR Smith, A Jalalvand, R Conlin, and J Abbate. “Machine Learning for Real-time Fusion Plasma Behavior Prediction and Manipulation”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • S Kim, R Shousha, S Hahn, AO Nelson, JT Wai, S Yang, JK Park, RM Nazikian, Q Hu, Y Jeon, Y In, J Lee, J Kim, YS Na, and E Kolemen. “Optimizing edge confinement and stability via adaptive ELM control using RMPs”, APS-DPP (Virtual, invite), November 2021. pdf
  • A. Jalalvand, A Kaptanoglu, AV Garcia, AO Nelson, JA Abbate, ME Austin, G Verdoolaege, SL Brunton, WH Heidbrink, and E Kolemen. “Data-driven models for Alfvén eigenmode classification based on high resolution ECE diagnostics at DIII-D”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf ppt
  • R Conlin, JA Abbate, L Fang, A Iqtidar, Y Iwasaki, A Wu, and E Kolemen. “Practical Techniques for Machine Learning Control of Fusion Plasmas”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf ppt
  • JA Abbate, R Conlin, and E Kolemen. “Novel aggregate machine learning and transport modeling profile predictions”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. ppt
  • R Shousha, S Kim, K Erickson, S Hahn, AO Nelson, JT Wai, S Yang, JK Park, and E Kolemen. “Feedback Adaptive ELM Control towards (ITER) long pulse ELM suppression and its application to KSTAR”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. ppt
  • DW Dudt, R Conlin, D Panici, and E Kolemen. “Stellarator Optimization with DESC”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • D Panici, AO Nelson, FM Laggner, and E Kolemen. “Investigating ELM Pacing by Vertical Oscillations on DIII-D”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • JT Wai, ML Reinke, AQ Kuang, P Rodriguez-Fernandez, DT Garnier, and E Kolemen. “Equilibrium studies of the SPARC X-Point Target divertor”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • A Rothstein, A. Jalalvand, E Kolemen and M Austin. “New Neural Networks for Plasma Profile Prediction”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf ppt
  • R Conlin, DW Dudt, D Panici, J Schilling, and E Kolemen. “Improvements to the DESC code for finding and optimizing stellarator equilibria”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • D Panici, DW Dudt, R Conlin, and E Kolemen. “A Comparison of VMEC and DESC 3D Equilibrium Codes”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • BR Wynne, and E Kolemen. “Magnetohydrodynamic Effects of a Gradient Magnetic Field on Liquid Metal Flows”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • F Saenz, Z Sun, and E Kolemen. “Progress on the liquid metal ‘divertorlets’ concept: experiments and simulations”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. Abstract pdf
  • R Shousha, JR Ferron, ZA Xing, AO Nelson, K Erickson, and E Kolemen. “Improved Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. ppt
  • JT Wai, MD Boyer, and E Kolemen. “Feedforward shape control and neural net equilibrium modeling on NSTX-U”, APS-DPP (Virtual), November 2021. pdf
  • S. K. Kim, R. Shousha, S.H. Hahn, A.O. Nelson, J. Wai, S. Yang, J.-K. Park, N. Logan, Y. M. Jeon, Y. In, J.H. Lee, Y.-S. Na and E. Kolemen, “Optimization of H-mode pedestal by adaptive ELM control using 3D fields” AAPPS-DPP (Virtual), September 2021. pdf
  • R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici and E. Kolemen, “Updates and improvements to the DESC code for finding and optimizing stellarator equilibria” PPPL Stellarator Seminar, May 2021. pdf
  • R. Conlin, D. Dudt, D. Panici and E. Kolemen, “Updates and improvements to the DESC code for finding and optimizing stellarator equilibria” PPPL Stellarator Seminar, May 2021. pdf
  • D. Dudt, R. Conlin, D. Panici and E. Kolemen, “DESC: Fast and flexible stellarator equilibrium optimization” IPP MHD topical group, April 2021. pdf
  • A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, D. R. Smith, R. Shousha, Z. A. Xing, E. Kolemen, “Experimental identification of inter-ELM pedestal MTMs through edge current perturbations.” Plenary Talk at TTF, April 2021. pdf
  • S. K. Kim, S. Pamela, M. Becoulet, G. Huijsmans, O. Kown, Y. In, J.H. Lee, M. Kim, S.M. Yang, J.-K. Park, N. Logan, Y.-S. Na, E. Kolemen and JOREK team “On Effect of n=2 RMP to Edge Pedestal in KSTAR with Nonlinear MHD simulation” IAEA-FEC (virtual), March 2021. pdf


  • A. Jalalvand, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen, G. Verdoolaege, “Hyper-dimensional time-series data analysis with reservoir computing networks to predict plasma profiles in tokamak”, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. pdf
  • J. Wai, P. J. Vail, A.O. Nelson, Z.A. Xing, C. Lasnier, and E. Kolemen, “Infrared constrained equilibria and application to snowflake divertor studies”, APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. pdf
  • Zichuan Xing, AO Nelson, O Izacard, ME Austin, A Marinoni, A Jarvinen, M Umansky, E Kolemen, “Automating Interpretive Edge Transport Modeling on DIII-D with UEDGE,” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. ppt
  • Andrew Nelson, Florian Laggner, Ahmed Diallo, Zheng Yan, Egemen Kolemen, “Experimental characterization of turbulent modes in the DIII-D H-mode pedestal,” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. pdf
  • Egemen Kolemen, R Shousha, A Nelson, N Logan, J Park, “Adaptive ELM Control and Real-Time Feedback MHD Spectroscopy at KSTAR” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020.
  • Rory Conlin, Joseph Abbate, Keith Erickson, Alexander S Glasser, Egemen Kolemen, “Physics and Machine Learning Based Approaches to Stability Analysis and Control on DIII-D,” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. pdf
  • Ricardo Shousha, John Ferron, Zichuan Xing, Oak Nelson, Keith Erickson, Egemen Kolemen, “Real-time Equilibrium Reconstruction with Kinetic Constraints on DIII-D,” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. ppt
  • Daniel Dudt, Egemen Kolemen, “DESC: An Efficient Stellarator Equilibrium Code,” APS-DPP (virtual), November 2020. pdf
  • Timothy Chen, Benjamin Goldberg, Christopher Kliewer, Egemen Kolemen, Yiguang Ju, “Spatially-resolved time-evolution of rotation-vibration non-equilibrium and CH concentration measured by fs/ps CARS in a nanosecond-pulsed pin-to-pin discharge,” APS-GEC (virtual), October 2020.
  • M. Wolff, J. Abbate, R. Conlin, E. Kolemen, “Machine Learning for Shot Classification on the DIII-D Tokamak,” PPPL SULI Program, Summer 2020 pdf


  • J. Wai, P. J. Vail, and E. Kolemen, “Control of Advanced Divertors — NSTXU, ITER, D3D”, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019. pdf
  • A. O. Nelson, R. J. La Haye, M. E. Austin, A. S. Welander, and E. Kolemen, “ECE-based Tearing Mode Suppression and Equilibrium Reconstruction”, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019. pdf
  • J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, “Machine Learning Plasma Profile Prediction for Model-Predictive Control at DIII-D”, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019. pdf
  • D. Dudt and E. Kolemen, “Equilibria Stability Calculations from the Fixed Point of a Map”, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019. pdf
  • R. Conlin, A. S. Glasser, and E. Kolemen, “A Dynamical Systems Interpretation of Ideal MHD Stability with Applications to Fast Robust Calculations and New Physical Insight”, 24th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, New York City, NY, October 2019. pdf
  • A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, A. Diallo, and E. Kolemen, “Characterization of pedestal modes through fast vertical oscillations at DIII-D”, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019. pdf
  • J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, “Machine learning plasma profile prediction for model-predictive control at DIII-D”, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019. pdf
  • J. Wai, P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen, and the NSTX-U Team, “Control of Advanced Divertors in NSTX-U and ITER”, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019. pdf
  • R. Conlin, J. Abbate, K. Erickson, and E. Kolemen, “Model Predictive Control of Plasma Profiles at DIII-D”, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019. pdf
  • D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, “Stellarator Equilibrium Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach”, APS DPP, Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2019. pdf
  • A. O. Nelson, F. M. Laggner, O. Izacard, A. C. Sontag, R. Groebner, D. Eldon, B. Grierson, M. W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, E. Kolemen, and the DIII-D Team, “On the role of particle source location in settling the H-mode pedestal structure”, HMWS 2019, Shanghai, China, October 2019.
  • D. Dudt, and E. Kolemen, “3-D MHD Equilibria Construction Based on a Poincaré Sections Approach,” ISHW 2019, Madison, WI, September 2019. pdf
  • A. E. Fisher, T. Tanaka, T. Kunugi, J. Yagi, K. Kusumi, Y. Go, G. Yamazaki, and E. Kolemen, “Experimental Demonstration of Lorentz Force Propulsion on Free-Surface Liquid Metal Channel Flow,” ISLA 2019, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, IL, September 2019. pdf
  • J. Abbate, R. Conlin, K. Erickson, E. Kolemen, “Plasma Profile Prediction and Control in Tokamaks.” Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment E-ffiliates 2019 retreat, Princeton, NJ, June 2019. pdf
  • A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, “Free-surface liquid metal flow control for PFC applications.” Oroshhi-2 Workshop, Toki, Japan, February 2019. 


  • E. Kolemen, “Data-based plasma stability analysis and control.” Invited Speaker, MHD Workshop, Los Angeles, CA, November 2018.
  • E. Kolemen, “Path to Stable Tokamak Operation: Plasma stability analysis using physics-based and data-based approaches for real-time control.” Invited Speaker, APS-DPP, Portland, OR, November 2018.
  • E. Kolemen, “Climate Engineering Science.” Invited Speaker, Round table on Climate Engineering and Religion, Princeton, NJ, May 2018.
  • F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, A. Diallo, R. J. Groebner, K. Barada, A. Nelson, T. H. Osborne and the DIII-D team. “Vertical Plasma Oscillations as a Tool to perturb the Pedestal in the DIII-D Tokamak.” 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. November 5-9, 2018, Portland, OR. pdf
  • A. O. Nelson, E. Kolemen, F. M. Laggner, O. Izacard, R. Groebner, D. Eldon, M.W. Shafer, A. Leonard, D. Shiraki, A. C. Sontag and the DIII-D Team. “Pedestal fueling variation in a closed divertor configuration at DIII-D.” 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. November 5-9, 2018, Portland, OR. pdf
  • F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen, A. Diallo, R. J. Groebner, E. Wolfrum, K. Barada, M. Cavedon, B. A. Grierson, G. F. Harrer, F. Mink, T. H. Osborne, P. B. Snyder, the ASDEX Upgrade team and the DIII-D team. “The universality of inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations in AUG and DIII-D.” 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. October 22-27, 2018, Gandhinagar, INDIA. pdf
  • F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen and A. Diallo. “Inter-ELM pedestal fluctuations and their parametric (in-)dependencies.” 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. June 17-22, 2018, Princeton, NJ. pdf
  • A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen and M. G. Hvasta. “Effects of Externally Applied Lorentz Force on Liquid Metal Surface Stability.” 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. June 17-22, 2018, Princeton, NJ. pdf
  • P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen and O. Izacard. “Divertor Heat Flux and Particle Control on NSTX-U via Optimization of Plasma Boundary and Divertor Shape.” 23rd International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices. June 17-22, 2018, Princeton, NJ.
  • Y. Fu et al. “Disruption prediction using machine learning algorithms for DIII-D.” Machine Learning in Plasma Physics, March 19, 2018, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ. pdf
  • M. G. Hvasta, D. Dudt, A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, “The future of flowmeters: Non-contact, non-invasive, calibrationless.” Princeton Innovation Forum, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, March 2018. pdf
  • T. Chen. “Plasma-Assisted Fuel Reforming of Methane Using Nonequilibrium Excitation.” General Examination, January 19, 2018, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, NJ. pdf
  • Jalal Butt, Egemen Kolemen, “Predicting the Temporal Evolution of Tokamak Plasma Profiles with Deep Learning,” PPPL SULI Program, 2018 pdf


  • E. Kolemen “FLIT: Flowing LIquid metal Torus.” Invited speaker, IAEA Technical Meeting on Divertor Concepts, Suzhou, China, November 2017.
  • A. E. Fisher, E. Kolemen, M. G. Hvasta et al. “Effects of Externally Applied Lorentz Force on Liquid Metal Flow.” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. October 23-27, 2017, Milwaukee, WI. pdf
  • F. M. Laggner, E. Kolemen et al. “The real time multi point Thomson scattering diagnostic at NSTX-U.” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. October 23-27, 2017, Milwaukee, WI. pdf
  • M. A. Roelofs, E. Kolemen, D. Eldon et al. “Plasma stability analysis using CAKE.” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. October 23-27, 2017, Milwaukee, WI. pdf
  • P. J. Vail, E. Kolemen et al. “Advanced Plasma Shape Control to Enable High-Performance Divertor Operation on NSTX-U.” 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. October 23-27, 2017, Milwaukee, WI. pdf
  • Dhruval Patel, Dhruvit Patel, Adam Fisher, Egemen Kolemen, “Investigating methods of surface wave reconstruction,” PPPL SULI Program, 2017 pdf
  • Gerrit Bruhaug, Egemen Kolemen, Adam E. Fisher, Mike Hvasta, “Development of a Non-Contact, Induc/ve Depth Sensor for Free-Surface, Liquid-Metal,” PPPL SULI Program, 2017 pdf
  • Nathaniel Barbour, Kornee Kleijwegt, Leonard Lupin-Jimenez, Egemen Kolemen, “Machine Learning Prediction of High-Current Disruptions with Low-Current Training Data,” PPPL SULI Program, 2017 pdf