Postdoctoral Research Associate
Curriculum Vitae
List of Publications
Research Interests
Plasma Edge and pedestal physics: Inter-ELM pedestal profile evolution, Impact of low Z impurities on the pedestal structure, SOL filament transport, L-H transition physics (I-phase, limit cycle oscillations)
Plasma diagnostics: Lithium beam emission spectroscopy (Li-BES), Thomson scattering
Plasma control: Real time implementation of plasma diagnostics
Florian is a Postdoc mainly working on plasma edge and pedestal physics. During his PhD studies he studied the inter-ELM pedestal evolution at ASDEX Upgrade and operated the lithium beam diagnostic. After defending his PhD thesis at TU Wien, he joined the group in June 2017. Florian’s research projects include the implementation of a real time Thomson Scattering diagnostic at NSTX-U and the conduction of experiments at DIII-D, which aim for deeper understanding of pedestal fluctuations. Furthermore, he is involved in the development of pedestal controllers and studies investigating the impact of low Z impurities on the pedestal.
12/2013 – 06/2017
PhD studies in “Technical Sciences”, Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) at the TU Wien in cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP), Vienna, Austria & Garching, Germany.
PhD thesis: “Inter-ELM pedestal structure development in ASDEX Upgrade”; Supervisor at IAP: Prof. Friedrich Aumayr, Supervisor at IPP: Dr. Elisabeth Wolfrum
05/2011 – 12/2013
Master studies in “Technical Physics”, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Master thesis: “Electron Density Perturbations at the Plasma Edge of the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak”; Supervisor at IAP: Prof. Friedrich Aumayr, Supervisor at IPP: Dr. Elisabeth Wolfrum
10/2007 – 05/2011
Bachelor studies in “Technical Physics”, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria.
Bachelor thesis: “Investigations on the Temperature Control System of the Vibrating Sample Magnetometer MagLab VSM”; Supervisor: Prof. Franz Sauerzopf
09/1998 – 07/2006
High school in Bundesrealgymnasium Feldkirchen, Feldkirchen in Kärnten, Austria.
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